risk of exposure

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  1. This minimizes the risk of data exposure and can help organizations meet government compliance requirements.
  2. Those closest to the radiation are at greatest risk of exposure and the greater the distance away, the lower the risk.
  3. Remember, what you upload or say online has a habit of coming back to haunt you, so if you don't want the risk of exposure, just don't put it out there to begin with.
  4. Amazingly, given the risk of sun exposure to our health, some resorts now specify no sunscreen.
  5. The report also acknowledges the risk of mercury exposure from certain kinds of seafoods, and notes that women who are pregnant, nursing or may become pregnant should avoid certain kinds tilefish, shark, swordfish and king mackerel because of their high mercury content.
  6. Gone are the days when the bad apples in US police departments could lean on our African-American citizens without serious risk of exposure.
  7. Since this method enables companies to hedge costs included in the risk of exposure to cost basis, so companies tend to use it.
  8. The risk of exposure should be carefully considered in relation to each specific scenario that may arise.
  9. Health Risk Assessment of DDTs Exposure of Residents Around Taihu Lake
  10. Why is there concern about a possible risk of cancer from exposure to ELF electric and magnetic fields?
  11. Health care workers are also encouraged to make sure they are aware of their HIV status so that they can avoid putting themselves at risk of exposure.
  12. What should consumers do to reduce their risk of exposure?
  13. Risk of exposure to HIV increases with each casual encounter.
  14. Yes, there is a risk of exposure as a result of contamination in food.
  15. They displayed the location of dengue cases and areas at high risk of exposure to the virus, in relation to each city's infrastructure.
  16. While governments began evacuating their foreign nationals amid rising levels of panic about the risk of exposure to high levels of radiation, a senior official at the United Nations atomic watchdog sounded a more measured tone.
  17. It has been used experimentally to protect veterinary and laboratory personnel at high risk of exposure to RVF.
  18. Do you go with the short-term gain of a detailed exam, at the long-term risk of radiation exposure, or do you forgo the test and hope for the best?
  19. Is there a risk of radioactive exposure from food contamination?
  20. If the problem is risk of exposure, that risk is tiny.
  21. OBJECTIVE To strengthen the administration of invasive operation, reinforce the individual protection of medical personnel to avoid the risk of occupational exposure.
  22. Study of Biological Effect of Radiation& the Latent Risk of Protract Exposure to Low Dose Rate Radiation
  23. Conclusion Seems that as the pentavalent arsenic can be reduced to trivalent arsenic in human body, it should not ignore the risk of exposure to pentavalent arsenic in working environment.
  24. It is suggested that 1-hydroxypyrene in human urine can be an effective biological monitoring index for assessment of health risk of human exposure to PAHs.
  25. Health risk of lead exposure to children in urban district of Nanjing city has
  26. This study aimed to apply PSA technology in clinical PET and PET-CT procedures for the safety assessment of occupations at risk of potential exposure.
  27. MTs concentrations in marine organisms are also proposed as an important tool to evaluate the risk of metal exposure and assess the health of oceans.
  28. On the one hand, the enterprise gains the huge profit with the rapid development of data mining technology. On the other hand, during the process of the data mining, it also increases the risk of exposure of potentially sensitive knowledge of database.
  29. Through the fund equity portfolio in China, to calculate the risk of the total portfolio value, and measured the specific stocks in a certain amount of time the risk of exposure.